SHYC's Projects and Achievements

Posted by Jacob Wrenn on May 11, 2020 · 2 mins read

SHYC have undertaken a number of ambitious projects since our creation and want to inspire more young people to do the same. This post is a summary of some of our favourites.

On 22nd January 2019, we ran our first ever Youth Conference on the important topic of Curriculum for Life. Attended by students from all over Surrey Heath, it provided an insight into many topics important for future life and was delivered by highly qualified local professionals. Hosted at Gordon’s School, it was the first time we had used this location and challenged us on the logistics of running the event. Overall, it was a great success but also gave us lots of ideas for future events.

We held a special cream tea event on 17th April 2018 to engage with all our local borough and county councillors. It was enjoyed equally by young people, councillors and youth workers in attendance and provided a really effective way of sharing what we do, our value in the community and the issues young people care about most.

Our Anti-Stigma Conference on 8th March 2018 was one of our most successful events due to the combination of inspiring guests, unique Q&A format with professionals and the focus on one of the biggest issues that young people want solved. Clinical Director Dr Phil Ferreira-Lay said “This is an excellent and important initiative that needs to be rolled out across all areas of Surrey”. The event’s success even caused the SHYC to be awarded a prestigious Diana Award.

As a group, our involvement in delivering the UK Youth Parliament’s Make Your Mark survey has been really helpful to our work. This allows us to have a clear format for consulting young people and a way to not only impact our own projects but also let Surrey Heath young people have their say on national issues.

SHYC also create online content for YouTube, our blog and social media and run many other initiatives.